Monday, June 6, 2016

Untitled Life Post #2: Post-Grad.

You might have noticed that I've probably remembered to post to this blog about 15 times in the last two years... Oops! Consistency is something I'm only good at when I'm painting.. As for other aspects of my life, not so much.

But for real... WHAT HAVE I BEEN UP TO?

This is going to be a long post. I'm only a little sorry.... I'm not sorry.

ANYWAY, My last significant post on here was rounding up my MFA candidacy show in December 2014... Damn, how time flies! I'll try to update you as thoroughly as I can... A LOT has happened.

hung up (dad's shirt), 2015.

My Spring 2015 semester (post candidacy) was a great time to think about what I wanted to get out of my thesis year at Edinboro... I knew I wanted to continue with notions of absence and presence in my work, but I wasn't sure how to move on, as I was kind of over teabags (more on that later). After a few paintings that didn't work out, I took summer to research and really nail down what I wanted to communicate... Or what I thought I wanted to...

Close-up image of a teabag relic.

My summer consisted of both my first publication (of the painting on the left) in the Bridge Literary Arts Review (Oil City, PA,), as well as a show at the Graffiti Gallery in Oil City, PA, titled Junk IV. This show allowed for artists to showcase their pieces rooted in mixed media exploration- here are the three pieces I entered: TEABAG RELICS! I've posted a closeup of one of the relics for you to feast your eyes upon. I wasn't sure that they were successful for a minute, but the longer I hold onto them, the more I appreciate their presence in my process. Woo, alliteration!

The best painting from my
nose dive, "eddie vedder"
Fall 2015 started off on two left feet!! Though I was creating paintings, I wasn't creating anything worthy of an MFA thesis exhibition. To say I was creating shit might be a strong word.. But then again, it might not be. Many of the paintings haven't survived, as I've painted over them.. Some I've given away, and I even left a few in my studio when I left! Sometimes we make mistakes, and sometimes we derail completely and need smacked around by our grad committee (Disclaimer: My graduate committee never beat me, although I'm sure they thought about it, with a nose-dive so close to graduation.) What did I learn from that, you ask? That yes- you're going to make mistakes, and yes, they're going to be awful... But, guess what: It's gonna be alright. Get up and get back to work. After getting my wits about me again, I sat back down to my easel and looked at what had been successful in the past- teabags, of course! The main issue was that the surrogates I was choosing simply weren't communicating. You might ask yourself why I'm telling you about this brief moment of failure: I do it because I think it's important for future MFA-goers to understand that yes; not only will you fall on your face, but you'll fall on your face multiple times and even stay on the ground, trying to figure out why the hell you decided to leap into the frying pan of graduate school... I promise you, once you get out of the frying pan and get to work, everything is going to be fine.


One of my more recent teabag
babes, "Morning Glory" 
My last semester (this past one) was far more successful. Of course I had some hangups that I still had to iron out before my show, but everything went a lot smoother, and I was starting to see a little success! In January, I was accepted into the 11th issue of Fresh Paint Magazine alongside my studio mate, Josh Mitchel (website here). Later on in March, I was accepted into both the Vermont Studio Center and Sparkbox Studio, for July and October residencies, respectively. In addition to these wonderful things, I was featured in two "studio visit" style publications, one on Fresh Paint Magazine's website and Hyperallergic's blog! To say that I'm stoked is an understatement. As for how my thesis show went, I'll be doing a separate post on that, as I feel it deserves it's own recognition.

So, what's next? Well, I leave for my 29-hour bus ride to Vermont in a little under four weeks! (My car won't make it that far, but a Greyhound will!) While I'm there, I'm going to train myself to be more diligent about writing blog posts weekly, so that you all have a bit more to read! Motivation to write should come with motivation to work, but for me, it sometimes doesn't. Vermont is going to help with that, I think. The residency is a month long, and I was even lucky enough to have about 1/3 of it paid for through a work/study scholarship and merit scholarship! I'm super excited, as you can probably not tell at all. :)

Until next time!

