Saturday, June 21, 2014

Refresh. Renew. Release.

In the lengthly process of researching different web hosts to get my web presence rolling, I remembered that I actually have a blog floating around on the internet! So here we are, updating and changing and erasing the things I had posted years ago, when I treated this more as a tumblr rather than a professional blog. I'll be posting work on here frequently, to get rolling again while I build a website! Here are a few pieces from the Spring 2014 semester that I completed successfully. I'll soon be posting pieces from my shadow series, once I finish editing them! More work to come.  

I'm currently home in Punxsutawney, PA for summer, and have been using my time to not only create my web presence, but to also develop conceptually and research assorted topics. It's been a successful ride thus far, and I hope to continue the stride I'm currently in! Take care, more next time.

- C